G-Trade Digital Platform

G-Trade is Generation’s new Digital Trading Platform. Developed in conjunction with our partners at SchemeServe, it allows brokers to submit and bind business online.

As a business with a reputation for underwriting expertise and service we wanted to extend our reach across our network and the UK Regions through the enabling technology of digital innovation.

We have delivered a platform that maintains strong underwriting protocols with the operational efficiency to deliver automated quotations and instantaneous policy documentation. Not all risks are the same but complexities shouldn’t be a barrier to receiving the benefits of digital trading so we will support you with the same commitment we have to service our non-digital business. If the risk fits our appetite, you will be able to transact the business electronically after the referral and the policy documentation will be produced and delivered to your in-box at the point of binding cover.

The platform was initially launched with our Commercial and Residential Property Owners products with Commercial Combined, Office & Retail currently in development.

If you would like to learn more about G-Trade please contact us at enquiries@generationunderwriting.com or click on the link to complete the form in Get a Quote

To find out more about our Services please contact our team today on T. +44 (0) 1912509559 or fill out the form below: